Workman Residence in Claremont by Marshall Clifton

Located behind an existing 1930’s duplex on a sub-divided lot in Claremont, Western Australia, This workman residence is designed by Marshall Clifton Architects. The entrance is intimate, allowing discreet glimpses of the interior before opening up to reveal the main living space. The north facade consists of one meter wide limestone block panels alternating with large pivoting glazed doors to provide a simple yet dramatic connection to the adjacent courtyard. The courtyard garden is the focus of the house with the major rooms addressing the northern aspect. The house has been placed as close to the southern and rear boundaries as authorities would permit, thereby maximizing the available area for the courtyard. An existing five meter high wall on the western boundary and a newly constructed wall to the north contribute to a sense of enclosure, establishing the courtyard as a walled garden.

workman residence

workman residence

workman residence facade

workman residence facade

workman residence interior

workman residence interior

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