The ConCreta Tile by Marazzi – The New Icon Tilling To Your Home

The Italian tilling company Marazzi recently has completed their new project that offers contemporary tiling design as a result from the combination between clay and concrete. These amazing tiles aptly named The ConCreta tiles. By these picture below, ConCreta tiles absolutely draws its original inspiration from the purity of clays and cements, reinterpreting the theme of colour and substance. The combination between these diverse element produces strong but still amaze with its subtle finishing.

The ceramic tiles in the collection come in natural elegant nuances that range from the subtle shading variations of Sabbia, Creta, Lava, Bianco, and Coke to the more distinct shades of Blu and Verde, for creating intimate and welcoming environments. With size 32.5×97.7cm and 6 mm thickness, ConCreta is the perfect solution for residential and commercial installations and renovation projects. Check them out at Marazzi.

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contemporary ConCreta tiles 1

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contemporary ConCreta tiles 2

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contemporary ConCreta tiles 3

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