Via Venetto Store Interior by Buensalido+Architects

Shoes are items that sometimes already full in your shoes rack, but there is always a reason to add the collection. For women like me, the matter is not just buying a pair of shoes. See, choose and take a pair of shoes that fit in my foot, a pleasant shopping experience is also a very important matter.

Much shoes store, they also offer the size and model that may be suitable for me, but the question is, why I chose to go in this store and not the other? Once again, this is the marketing strategy for winning customer. One of the important marketing strategy is to create an environment that supports the purchase, the practical one is by designing of extraordinary interior. For example was created by Buensalido+Architects for Via Venetto Store, a shoes store.

When you entered this store, you will see a series of undulating arches that loom over you as you traverse inside the store. These archs were then interconnected with a myriad of beams, forming a diamond shaped faceted web. The great deal to transform a 30-year old shoe retail store to have contemporary look of the design interior. Well done.

via venetto store interior design

via venetto store interior design

Via Venetto Store Interior Design 2

Via Venetto Store Interior Design 2

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Via Venetto Store Interior Design 3

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Via Venetto Store Interior Design 4

Via Venetto Store Interior Design 5

Via Venetto Store Interior Design 5

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Via Venetto Store Interior Design 6

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