LED Lighted Sofa by Asami Light

Sometimes we tend to relax ourselves by sitting on a sofa, trying to adjust our body, mind and soul (eg. our mood) into the atmosphere of the present time. LED lighted sofa designed by Asami Light comes from Colico. It`s not just giving you the sense of comfortable while you are sitting but it also gives you dynamicity, happiness, that might just lighten the tension in your nerves through the light it shines. This modern sofa is designed to be placed in a room with light as well as without light. Through its pattern and LED color will give you such a soft light sensation during the dark. The light can be adjusted according to your mood. Enjoy this light sensation while you are sitting in the dark on these comfortable sofa design.

LED Lighted Sofa (2)

LED Lighted Sofa (2)

LED Lighted Sofa (3)

LED Lighted Sofa (3)

LED Lighted Sofa

LED Lighted Sofa

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