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Now the talles NBA player, Yao-Ming, won’t need to really bow down just to wash his face, hands or maybe brushing his teeth, as this tall washbasin by Wet is changing the way you wash the face, hands and brushing with extremely ergonomic design. This was basin measures 86 cm in height, and stands a full 106 cm which is exactly the same as the height of a standard bar. This is allowing you to wash your hands, brushing your teeth and face easier and certainly less back pain (that’s if you’d one).
This modern bathroom sink design made a debut at the Salone Internazionale del Bagno at Milan, Italy. The cool contemporary vanity ware is also has an integrated taps. If you’re Yao Ming’s fans then you might recommend this washbasin available at WET.
tallest modern washbasin by wet
extra tall washbasin wet
extra tall modern washbasin by wet