Who would have thought that this modular home was built in just three months and assembled in three days? Well that is true, this modular holiday home was built and assembled in a very short time. This holiday home is located in the Galician population Cedeira, Spain. It is a good example of the many possibilities offered by today’s modular construction.
Upon building this exquisite charming modular home MYCC Madrid Studio was inspired by the unique location of the site as well as the transport needed to get there and also the prefabricated construction. The house is situated on a steep hillside in a remote location on the northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula, dominated by the presence of the ocean and the sweet smell of eucalyptus forests that surround it, where it is also surrounded by fields, family farming and small sloping roof houses scattered in the environment.
The two main fronts of the house are clad in Corten steel perforated trays producing a nice silhouette of a forest, recreating the image of the surrounding vegetation. Its color changes provided a vivid picture that relates to the natural environment. This interplay between the natural and the artificial advantage of the inner rooms, where light pass through the silhouettes of trees.
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Sweet Cedeira Silhouette Modular Home by MYCC