The Why Factory Modern Office Building Design by MVRDV

Nearly all designers have something up on their table, and they secretly have more surprises up their sleeves. The creativity took place inside their body and mind sometimes are just unpredictable. Who would have thought of Stairway Office like The Why Factory Tribune designed by MVRDV. The story behind this modern bright orange architectural office building is about to be told and this is the story.

After a fire destroyed its facilities, the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University moved to the main building of the old university. It created a courtyard, used as the new residence for the plant. An auditorium or staircase climbed to the top, literally, putting students over their teachers. The structure is distinguished by its bright orange color that clearly identifies them as an independent research institute within the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology.

The furniture designed by Richard Hutten is so flexible to allow the space around the platform switch between the functions of investigation room, conference room and exhibition space. Thus by having stairways up on the center of the main attraction, it makes plenty of spaces to sit down while you take on your net-book on your lap to do some assignments.

Well if you need more coverage story on this amazing modern office building design then you can visit The Why Factory to find out or you can call the designer to explain every detailed aspect of it.

The Why Factory Modern Office Building

The Why Factory Modern Office Building

The Why Factory Modern Office Interior

The Why Factory Modern Office Interior

The Why Factory Office Interior

The Why Factory Office Interior

The Why Factory Tribune

The Why Factory Tribune

The Why Factory by MVRDV

The Why Factory by MVRDV

The Why Factory Modern Office Design

The Why Factory Modern Office Design

The Why Factory Bright Office Interior

The Why Factory Bright Office Interior

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