Warm Country Kitchen Collection of Baltimore Kitchen by Scavolini

Baltimore kitchen is an important kitchen that can transform the most vital area of the house in a prestigious and refined. This impressive-looking kitchen is built with quality materials, designed and finished with care to be appreciated over time, and offers unparalleled solutions for every need. The soft tonal of naturalism can be seen in this magnetized tradition kitchen. It offers exclusive solutions, different and sought to compositions which combine with perfect elegance, tradition and modernity. The doors of the kitchen are made of solid wood and the model of Baltimore is proposed in four different types of wood: Cherry, White varnished Ash, the Tulipwood Walnut and Spruce Ecru. So if you loved this country kitchen collection, the Baltimore kitchen is the perfect solution and fit best to your country tradition theme home. Check out our previous post about another kitchen product from Scavolini that was designed by Karim Rashid – crystal kitchen design from scavolini

Baltimore kitchen Set Collection

Baltimore kitchen Set Collection

traditional baltimore kitchen scavolini

traditional baltimore kitchen scavolini

cherry baltimore kitchen scavolini

Cherry baltimore kitchen scavolini

white varnished ash baltimore kitchen

white varnished ash baltimore kitchen

baltimore kitchen white varnished ash

baltimore kitchen white varnished ash

classic baltimore kitchen scavolini

classic baltimore kitchen scavolini

Baltimore kitchen Layout

Baltimore kitchen Layout

Ecru varnished fir wood baltimore kitchen

Ecru varnished fir wood baltimore kitchen

Ecru varnished Fir wood baltimore kitchen cabinet

Ecru varnished Fir wood baltimore kitchen cabinet

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