Ventana Canyon House by Rick Joy Architects

have design this Ventana Canyon House, a two-story 8.380 square foot family vacation villa situated in the Catalina foothills overlooking Tucson, Arizona. This vacation villa, clad in steel plates, features a cantilevered second story. The post-tensioned concrete slab extension allows this level to have panoramic views. Using the peaceful environment of his studio/office, Rick Joy incorporates the rich textures, colors, and materials found in the Sonoran Desert into his designs.

To share with the world his vision of architecture and design, he wrote a book called Rick Joy: Desert Works, which is currently available in paperback form. This book provides readers with a visual tour of nine of his works, each representing the peaceful, natural look and feel of the desert. His designs are functional, but also innovative while still warm and inviting. Within this publication are views of interiors and beautifully detailed photographs of projects completed by Rick Joy Architects.

ventana canyon house rick joy architects

ventana canyon house rick joy architects

ventana canyon house exterior view

ventana canyon house exterior view

ventana canyon house outdoor terrace

ventana canyon house outdoor terrace

ventana canyon house dining room interior

ventana canyon house dining room interior

ventana canyon house architectural design

ventana canyon house architectural design

ventana canyon house staircase

ventana canyon house staircase

ventana canyon house outdoor bench

ventana canyon house outdoor bench

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