Unique FreeFlow Seating By Gordon Guillaumier

This seat is the latest seating design furniture created by Gordon Guillaumier for Italian manufacturer Moroso. FreeFlow is a fluid, based on the idea of a flyover, the sofa comprises two upholstered strips, one for the seat and one for the backrest. Depending on how it is used, these strips can criss-cross each other to create an interplaying form, and at the same time, it also allows for back-to-back seating. Its curvy, linear modules offer maximum versatility for use in waiting, relaxation and dining areas. This unique freeflow seating is suit to your large spaces of living rooms, lobby seating or hall furniture and your modern office space waiting room seat.

unique freeflow seating

unique freeflow seating

unique but comvy freeflow seating

unique but comvy freeflow seating

two upholstered strips

two upholstered strips

the best black one

the best black one

maximum space for waiting room

maximum space for waiting room

modular line

modular line

Freeflow by Gordon Guillaumier

Freeflow by Gordon Guillaumier

attractive with red round table

attractive with red round table

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