The Ultimate Eco Chair Concept by Decker + Yeadon

If there is award for the most economical design, the design of this chair will certainly be a winner. This chair may be the ultimate eco chair concept. It really no need new materials. Just cut a hole in an existing wood floor or surface and putting your foot in the hole. But be careful, to secure to avoid splinters you have to uses of extra material, such plastic to line the hole before you drop a leg in. Simply seat work. This ultimate eco chair concept design might be silly, but this is a serious design worked out by Decker and Yeadon from New York.

Decker and Yeadon realize that buildings are the biggest source of energy waste in the world. They find that seating elements are no small part of the problem. Whether be for green reasons or cost-saving purposes, it is worth considering how much time, power and materials is used in these simplest of interior design objects. Our floors and surfaces, however, are ready and waiting to be turned into voids into which we can slot our legs. Dare to join Decker and Yeadon challenge ?.

ultimate eco chair concept oooo chair

ultimate eco chair concept oooo chair

decker yeadon OOoo chair 2

decker yeadon OOoo chair 2

OOoo Chair Decker Yeadon

OOoo Chair Decker Yeadon

decker yeadon OOoo chair

decker yeadon OOoo chair

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