ne ecologically furniture which is friendly for the environment just perfect to welcome summer this season. Dedon has adapted natural concept of a Leaf and successfully transform it to become a stylish and comfortable furniture and yet eco friendly. It consists of three various stylish furniture design, they are chaise lounge, side table and two person chaise lounge. It’s a handmade woven fiber and the great thing about this furniture is that it’s UV and water resistance. It’s a great additional furniture for your swimming pool and you can also placed it just outside on the rocks near the beach (if you lived near the beach).
This stylish modern leaf outdoor patio furniture is available for you in dark cream color and light cream color. You can still remain stylish while you’re also maintaining and supporting green concept and green ideas at this organic enrich furniture which is just perfect for your outdoor spaces. Visit Dedon site if you’re interested at this stylish furniture.
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon (2)
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon (3)
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon (4)
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon (5)
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon (6)
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon (7)
Stylish Ecological Leaf Patio Furniture by Dedon