This solid concrete modern house is built on 2832 meters square land area this is a typical house with a good native trees atmosphere and a small orchard which can be found at the center of the field. The main volume is implanted in the center of the field in a clear format with a rectangular cross east-west position and the volume that contains the service areas and barbecue area.
The house is supported on four columns on the ground floor with a span of 15 meters. Upstairs it’s build with two plates supported on columns and rely on these two great beams of 1.60 m in longitudinal position and supporting slabs hanging roofs, floors, eventually all these elements are arranged in a sort of formal synthesis in one motion in the form of curls, a great open and transparent on the free plan ground level, an intimate space and closed to the inside of the turn and another for technical or flysheet facilities in response to climate. Laboratory of Architecture
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 2
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 3
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 4
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 5
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 6
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 7
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 8
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture 9
Solid Concrete Modern House Design by Laboratory of Architecture