Simple Modern Rural Urban House

Psychologically the design of your house from the shape up to your house color have strong resemblance towards your behavior, your way of thinking and your inner personality where by then they reflecting toward your life style. If you’re the family loving type and affectionate person then a simple classical house or modern classical house or so called neo classical will suite best for you. But for this rural urban house which creates a strong simple modern touch is perfect for you who has a simple mind, metropolis, and nature loving person without neglecting a taste of freedom. Located in Miami Beas, USA, has soft interior, warm colors of used natural materials – stone and wood. The house is finished with handmade furniture and equipped with lighting systems. This rural urban house is very spacious giving enough air flow and freedom.

Asymmetrical Facade

Asymmetrical Facade

Handmade Furnitures

Handmade Furnitures

Living Room Concept

Living Room Concept

Soft Interior Bedroom

Soft Interior Bedroom

Spacious Spot

Spacious Spot

Urban Housing Family

Urban Housing Family

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