Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort in Abu Dhabi

agazine has recently announced the sixth annual HD Award winners and finalists for Hotel or Day Spa Category. And the winner is Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort in Abu Dhabi. Why Abu Dhabi ?

According to Fortune and CNN, Abu Dhabi in Uni Emirat Arab is is the richest city in the world. One of the world’s largest producers of oil, Abu Dhabi has actively attempted to diversify its economy in recent years through investments in financial services and tourism. Abu Dhabi is the third most expensive city in the region, and 26th most expensive city in the world.

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort in Abu Dhabi is the most exotic place in the world. Amazing view of sand, desert, palm trees, wind and the exotic of middle east story translated in perfect interior and amazing exterior by HBA from Dubai. The Architecture by Northpoint Firm, Bryanston, South Africa. Check these photos below. Inspiring for sure.

Villa Reception

Villa Reception

Flamelit resort bridge entrance

Flamelit resort bridge entrance

Royal Pavilion meeting room

Royal Pavilion meeting room

Royal pavilion - The Majlis

Royal pavilion - The Majlis

Morning outlook from private pool

Morning outlook from private pool

Deluxe Garden View Room Qasr al Sarab

Deluxe Garden View Room Qasr al Sarab

Deluxe Balcony Room

Deluxe Balcony Room

Deluxe Terrace Room

Deluxe Terrace Room

Suite living room

Suite living room

Ballroom meeting set up

Ballroom meeting set up

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