Designing an entire campus building is definitely the dream of any architecture, why is that so? It is because your building will be there standing for the rest of this planet’s life without you having to be worried that it will be brought down for a complete makeover. A renovation might be done here and there but the building design is still will be under your name. A PLUS a.s. Brno and Corian realizations in interiors by AMOS Design s.r.o had the honour to build the entire Masaryk University Campus and it will be definitely spectacular. The project currently started in 2005 and this high-tech building is almost near completion.
It will feature sport facilities, scientific and laboratory facilities, a park for you to enjoy your lunch with colleagues, office garden, and residential premises in not too distance future. The building architectural design main objective is to blend contemporary architecture with science and technology. If you’re a student at that university I’m sure you will be the lucky one to enjoy both nice modern building design and new facilities. Check out the architectural picture bellow.
Masaryk University Campus (1)
Masaryk University Campus (2)
Masaryk University Campus (3)
Masaryk University Campus (4)
Masaryk University Campus (5)
Masaryk University Campus (6)
Masaryk University Campus (7)
Masaryk University Campus Bird View