New Orleans Arcology Habitat – NOAH by E. Kevin Schopfer

This NOAH or New Orleans Arcology Habitat is a proposed urban architecture and ecology design concept created by E. Kevin Schopfer to be a habitat for 40,000 residents who can benefit from the planned residential units, school system, commercial, retail space, three hotels, casinos, parking for 8,000 cars, a district school system and health care facility and public works facilities.

NOAH is based upon the following preliminary program outline.

1. Residential Units / Rental and Condominium; 20,000 units @ average 1100 Sq ft
2. Three Hotels; Average 200 rooms plus associated services
3. Time Share Units; 1500 units @ average 1100 sq ft
4. Three Casino Facilities
5. Commercial Space / Rental and Condominiums; 500,000 sq ft
6. Commercial Space / Retail; 500,000 sq ft
7. Parking Garage / within foundation; 8,000 cars
8. Cultural Facilities; 100,000 sq ft
9. Public Works; 50,000 sq ft / includes storage
10. District School System; 100,000 sq ft
11. District Administrative Office; 50,000 sq ft
12. District Health Care Facility; 20,000 sq ft

Estimated Total Square Footage : 30 million

New Orleans Archology Habitat Design Challenge :

1. The first challenge is to overcome both the physical and psychological damages of recurring severe weather patterns. Though re-population has begun, the need to provide a stabilized and safe environment is paramount to a long term recovery and economic well being of New Orleans.
2. The second challenge is that New Orleans has too much water. The city has been built at and below sea levels which creates consistently high water table and makes it prone to flooding and storm surges.
3. The third challenge is that New Orleans is built on soil condition which consists of thousands of feet of soft soil, silt and clay. These conditions make building large scale concentrated structures difficult.
Believing that NOAH is a viable plan, our solution to overcome these challenges is to take advantage of these seemingly conflicting issues with the introduction of a floating urban platform.

The structure is designed to expand the horizon of sustainability and will seek LEED certification.
It will eliminate the need for cars within the urban structure, and thus becomes a carbon neutral entity. Internal electric transport links, vertical and horizontal, create a pedestrian-friendly community,
Some of these elements are secured wind turbines, fresh water recovery and storage systems, passive glazing system, sky garden heating/cooling vents, grey water treatment, solar array banding panels, and river based water turbines.

Kevin Schopfer new orleans arcology habitat

Kevin Schopfer new orleans arcology habitat

Kevin Schopfer NOAH

Kevin Schopfer NOAH

new orleans arcology habitat

new orleans arcology habitat

new orleans arcology habitat architectural design

new orleans arcology habitat architectural design

new orleans arcology habitat Kevin Schopfer

new orleans arcology habitat Kevin Schopfer

new orleans arcology habitat NOAH

new orleans arcology habitat NOAH

NOAH new orleans arcology habitat

NOAH new orleans arcology habitat

NOAH by Kevin Schopfer

NOAH by Kevin Schopfer

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