Moooi 5 O’Clock Chair by Nika Zupanc

, these awesome chair is for Dutch brand Moooi. Aptly named 5 O’clock, this idea comes from tea time at 5 o’clock p.m. This awesome chair set also complete with a small table. 5 o’clock is based on Nika’s memories of retro furniture and English porcelain. An artistic statement by alluding to vibrant inspirations ranging from English china to the 50’s retro décor.

The chair has both contemporary and traditional fusion. Featuring minimalist lines and roman with rose patterned motifs. Sleek and beautiful. This chair was presented in Milan 2010. Here we post statement from Nika when she was inspired to design this awesome chair. Tito’s tea house, Belvedere Pavilion, lake Bled, Wednesday, September 2009. Just after 5 o clock.

If a supreme commander of an army has a tea house, than you can imagine it is one of very special architecture. And it is. Presiding over an alpine lake it offers the magnificent view and an interior that is so much more than just charming place to drink a cup of tea. Its retro interior stayed unchanged, frozen in time all the way from the 50es. This place is able to take you back in the fragile times of forgotten values, forbidden loves and secret talks. From up here, you can see battalion of life’s that since silently passed by. And it was there when I first thought I just had to design a chair. One that would radiate the beauty and the pain of irreversibility of time.

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 1

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 1

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 2

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 2

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 3

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 3

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 4

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 4

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 5

5 O'Clock Chair by Moooi 5

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