Modern Minimalist Fashion Shop Interior – Camper Store by Hayon Studio

The impression of a modern minimalist interior designer are clean, neat as well as elegance and comvy because the way it’s created not with too much goods or things being stuffed. Therefore, an elegant and chic design can be created easily.

If you are the disciple of true modern minimalist, Camper Store the new fashion shop in Tokyo designed by Jaime Hayon can be a good idea. That place is cool space that invites people to dream, the stunning entrance door with organic shape and the handle shaped like a stripes candy cane. The product display layout is look so minimalist but it has a great placement. Camper store interior is so beautiful, young and fresh with the combination colour like white, yellow and red.

If you stood right infront of this store you will see an delicate Bisazza mosaic which available at the glass wall. The coloured mirrors placed on the ceiling elongate perspective and give the store added warmth. That is a clever trick to tweak this small room. The special areas are separated by bevelled glass panels reminiscent of cut gemstones. This store is the best one from Hayon.

Bisazza Mosaic

Bisazza Mosaic

camper store by Hayon

camper store by Hayon

camper store by Hayon studio

camper store by Hayon studio

Clever trick by applying mirror

Clever trick by applying mirror

comfy seat

comfy seat

entrance of Camper

entrance of Camper

interior fashion store from the inside

interior fashion store from the inside

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