k, we are now taking you to look at this meditation interior design. Meditating is another way to relax not your just your body. By meditating you can relax your mind and by choosing the right items you can create such a modest and calm atmosphere for your meditation area. Adding fire as a feature towards your meditation interior can add the sense of warmth and comfort. It will brings us to the feeling of the warmth and natural rhythmic and showing us the path that humans need to care of others.
When we catch the rhythm of the fire, you will realize that deep inside the fire you will also learn to be courageous, tenderness, you will learn when to act right and you will also learn to control the flaming rage and greediness inside our self. That’s what my martial art teacher used to tell me. Well anyway enough with fire theory, you can get these products at Fire Features and get ready to meditate and escape from the harshness and free yourself from this “wild world” just like the song from the rock band MR BIG.
Meditation Space Design by Fire Features (2)
Meditation Space Design by Fire Features (3)
Meditation Space Design by Fire Features
Meditation Space Design by Fire Features (4)