Masterpiece Cool Radiator Design for Caleido by Karim Rashid

Want to have a radiator which functions both as a radiator and an artwork? Well, these cool modern radiators by Caleido are what you’ve been dreaming all this time. The Therme home radiator is such an inspiration with its brilliant hues and swirl in a reminiscent of watercolor. If you like the modern tastes, then the Geiger radiator is exactly what you’re looking for with its computer screen saver generated design set in black background.

You can place this artwork, I mean the radiator among other wall decoration or perhaps you will like it to stand alone to become the spotlight of your room and a master piece. So take a guess who design such great masterpiece radiator like these? It’s no other than by Karim Rashid, who has been consistent with his signature of funk style. They’re shown and make its first debut at Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2010. Visit Caleido.

Geiger Radiator by Karim Rashid

Geiger Radiator by Karim Rashid

Therme Radiator by karim Rashid

Therme Radiator by karim Rashid

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