Master Piece Bathroom Design – Twenty from Modulnova

If brilliant is not the best way to describe this bathroom design then the best way to describe it that this is a masterpiece bathroom. It’s just so simple with the touch of black masculinity, white luxury and gray stream line. Twenty as the designer called it, and it’s 20/20. Modulnova’s design is just so plain, but it’s not a usual plainness, in fact it can draw the bathroom look so sleek. It might be because the right material, a perfect choice of furniture, good use of color, spacious and combine them all in a mixture of a brilliant idea. In this bathroom, there’s no absurd shape or any strong color to entrap the viewers, but some how it can create such emotions which i can translate in words. A very good usage of tiles create such of an emphasize that this is beyond its class. What’s more? it’s available in wide range of colors. So please click here for further details.

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 2

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 2

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 3

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 3

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 4

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 4

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 5

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 5

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 6

Twenty Bathroom by Modulnova 6

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