d cities in the world? small site, more and more slum area with rooftop shanty house? But small site is not related by slum are for this genius architect Gary Chang. Thank to him that inspired for many people to transformed site that only has 30 sqm into small luxury apartment in very unique and full of space saving strategy with warm touch.
Gary Chang from Hong Kong created the home that crosses the creativity line and becomes a great work.His apartment was the first to suffer a major transformation. 24 rooms can fit in a 30 sq meters apartment, sound so impossible. But not for him. Gary managed to fit 24 rooms in such a place and each and everyone of them has its unique personality. He said “A small area means efficiency and user-friendliness.” His dedication towards efficiency is surely admirable, if not astounding for those who have 300 square feet closets, let alone entire apartments at that size. Great Job, Gary.
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