The Invisibles Transparent Chair by Tokujin Yoshioka

You’re a well know singer who likes to be invisible so that he can see his friends (girl) without having to be embarrassed that here paying the dearest attention to his beloved person on and on. Do you want to be that person ? Maybe it’s almost impossible that you have the kind of ability but not with this invisibles transparent chair designed by Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka in collaboration with Claudio Luti, President of Kartell. They both came to agreement to design furniture which is not only beautiful but also original and beyond technical brilliance. Although it looks transparence, this chair is solid and strong. This collection will be on show at Kartell’s showroom next month in Milan. It’s a phenomenal brilliant master piece.

transparent chair by tokujin yoshioka

transparent chair by tokujin yoshioka

invisibles transparent chair by tokujin yoshioka

invisibles transparent chair by tokujin yoshioka

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