Intelligent Hide Away Bed by Boxetti

Back years ago in our ancient story time bed was merely little more than piles of straw or some natural material. The Egyptians had high bedsteads with bolsters or pillows and curtains to hang round. While the ancient Germans lay on the floor on beds of leaves covered with skins, or in a kind of shallow chest filled with leaves and moss. Now days as technologies have advanced and more study on design come in depth, many designers have come with not just a place to lay our head down to have a nice lullaby but also how to make it more compact such as this Boxetti.

This bed is very compact, small and you can store it in self-contained box. This bed designed to save space and make installation as simple as setting the object in place. Operated manually or by remote control and even comes in with a built-in it also came with ambiance light fixture for late night reading light. Shelves, drawers and clothing are smartly tucked in at appropriate heights around the central fold-out-bed piece. So when you have a rigid small space this bed is perfect to fit in as you can fold it to give you more place to breath.

Hide Away Bed

Hide Away Bed

Hide Away Bed Unpacked

Hide Away Bed Unpacked

Hide Away Bed Packed

Hide Away Bed Packed

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