Have Fun Peeling your Cabbage Chair by Nendo

shed their skin.” Issey Miyake concept said. Borrowing this concept, Nendo inspired and then designed this cabbage chair for 21st Century Man exhibition curated by Issey Miyake for commemorating the first anniversary of 21 21 Design Sight in Roppongi, Tokyo. The stroy was told when Miyake asked Nendo to create furniture out of pleated paper that is produced in mass amounts during the process of making pleated fabric. And here we are, a roll of pleated paper that when you skinned it, it peels away its outside layers one by one. To add more strength resins are added later on and the pleats themselves gives more elasticity and spring resilience. The overall effect it looks fluffy to me and certainly it will give the user a comfortable seating experience.

This cabbage chair has no internal structure and Nendo thought to ship this chair as one compact roll for user to cut open and have fun peeling it since the production is so simple. This cool inspiring fun design responded greatly to our environmental problem issues. So have fun peeling your cabbage chair.

cabbage chair tokyocabbage chair tokyo

cabbage chair architecture

cabbage chair architecture

nendo cabbage chair man peeling

endo cabbage chair man peeling

nendo cabbage chair peeled

nendo cabbage chair peeled

cabbage chair nendo japan

cabbage chair nendo japan

nendo cabbage chair

nendo cabbage chair

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