Green Rooftop Apartment Building in Amsterdam by NL Architects

One voice of pro environment towards a better living is the aim of everyone now, turning things unused into useful things and recycling becoming more than just a task for each one of us to do. Fact that we should know that one tree can absorb 12 kg of glass house effect CO2 and able to produce O2 and this is sufficient enough for four people to breath in one year. Architects have been thinking how to make a green building design including the better use of landscape, replanting trees around the building, minimizing damage towards nature in each project and whole new kind of things being done. Including this new architect namely NL Architecture.

The building which is under construction is an apartment building rises in amsterdam which is definitely green. It’s not a normal rooftop that you normally see every day as the roof is wavy and unusual for a building also it’s green. This way hopefully the green apartment building will be much cooler. Imagine how cool can it gets when a house surrounded by greenies able to make it 3 degrees and up to 4 degrees Celsius cooler, and comparing towards this building which has the whole roof top being planted by greeneries certainly will be more than just 4 degrees cooler and will make a big impact towards its surrounding. It’s a big change for building now days. So let’s keep preserving, think green for the future.

NL Architects

NL Architects

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