Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex

his Baja BBQ firepack. It’s a charcoal that burns away instantly once you lit it in the grille. It makes your barbeque party simple, clean and chemically free. It’s made from 100% biodegradable paper pulp, one pack contains 2 lbs of natural lump charcoal and features an integrated chimney that creates perfect hot coals in 15-20 minutes without having to aid it with chemicals or lighter fluid which can affect the smell of your meat or making your barbeque a bit contaminated by the chemical. Baja BBQ is manufactured by Lazzari and the designer is made by Annex. Barbeque now is fun, simple, effortless and greener. The design of the packaging as a recycled and being thought carefully with the functional aspect of the process is just genius.

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (2)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (2)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (3)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (3)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (4)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (4)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (5)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (5)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (6)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex (6)

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex

Green Barbeque Fire Pack of Baja BBQ by Lazzari & Annex

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