rs and subtle hues over bold ones, your décor style may be fit for feminine qualities. But don’t judge that only pink color could deliver feminine touch. Here you will see that the feminine home décor is not only related with pink, blue, flower or just tufted white sofa. While some would think that only using pink adds a feminine appeal, soft muted ones of any color are feminine. Thus is the beauty of the color spectrum.
Choose your favorite color and use a muted or grayed down version of this color to create a soft palette of color in any room. Pair up the colors with darker or contrasting accents to give the room weight and visual interest. Lets peek at these awesome feminine interior decoration below.
You will see that this spacious living room was created by the common basic cozy sofa, accented with green ottoman, a little bit of pink and white touch (from the cushion). White is always the best soul mate color for feminine interior decor. White wall here is perfect to create the great result of feminine living room design. Consider to bring bright yellow to your kitchen. This color surely can spark energy without leaving the feminine touch as you whish. Look also at the elegant feminine bedroom design with soft muted grey below. For feminine lovers, it could be the great choice, add it with lace curtain and see how soft muted color will goes along well with your dream.
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