Eco Friendly Papo Paper Lamps Collection by Martin Schmid

For you, who really be lover of eco friendly design, these are Papo lamps collection that was created by Martin Schmid, German designer will be shown in the Ambiente 2010 in Frankfurt.

Papo lamps, which are made of paper just like Japanese Kokeshi doll. Kokeshi are handmade from wood, have a simple trunk and an enlarged head with a few thin, painted lines to define the face. The body has a floral design painted in red, black, and sometimes yellow, and covered with a layer of wax. One characteristic of Kokeshi dolls is their lack of arms or legs. The bottom is marked with the signature of the artist.

Exactly, same as Kokeshi that had been created in very simple carved wood, this lamp is made with the simplicity of the design. With a head lamp made of paper too, and the body is made of paper cone. Kokeshi and Papo are identic. By providing a light in the head lights and wire, Papo come with the dim light. Suitable for night light or just light home decoration. I recommended this lamp as a decorative lighting by putting them in one place. You can combine several from small to large, close together. The idea is as Kokeshi, becomes very attractive, if they are clustered. Like a simple little family.

Papo Lamps by Martin Schmid

Papo Lamps by Martin Schmid

Papo Lamps Collection by Martin Schmid

Papo Lamps Collection by Martin Schmid

papo lamps fixtures by Martin Schmid

papo lamps fixtures by Martin Schmid

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