Eco Friendly Kitchen EkoKook by Faltazi

Cant be denied that your kitchen space is the most organic room of your home. Activity in the kitchen like cooking vegetables produces a kind of waste that actually can be transformed into a great organic fertilizers which very useful for plant. For those who very concerned with conserving the environment, the matters becomes a serious job to create a design of environmentally friendly kitchen. Faltazi has released an eco friendly kitchen EkoKook, the first generation of micro eco system kitchen that has been designed in smart way to definitely can answer the problems.

The idea is that the flow of cooking becomes fundamentally integrated with the natural cycles of the environment. With this integrated kitchen, no waste or water useless. Drained water is reused, other waste is a recycled and energy consumption is reduced.

For you who really dare to cook with some these “disgusted” worm composting the soil in your kitchen, the design may make you stunned. From the sustainable sink down to the under-sink waste-water reservoir, there is a clear and programmed path for liquids. You will see a several of green potted plants above to green-painted cabinet and storage spaces below. Everything is solid, completely economical and extremely useful. Of course, the inside systems are where the hidden magic happens – from living worms and layers of soil being actively composted to water and solid waste filters of various kinds and scales. So, now for the green concept minded, create herb garden start from your kitchen.

Eco Friendly Kitchen EkoKook by Faltazi

Eco Friendly Kitchen EkoKook by Faltazi

cuisine coin froid faltazi ekokook

cuisine coin froid faltazi ekokook

ekokook kitchen faltazi description

ekokook kitchen faltazi description

EkoKook Eco Friendly Kitchen

EkoKook Eco Friendly Kitchen

faltazi ekokook concept

faltazi ekokook concept

ekokook faltazi schema preparation

ekokook faltazi schema preparation

faltazi micro usines detail ekokook

faltazi micro usines detail ekokook

faltazi schema ekokook detail

faltazi schema ekokook detail

faltazi ekokook eco kitchen concept

faltazi ekokook eco kitchen concept

Ekokook Faltazi Eco Friendly Kitchen

Ekokook Faltazi Eco Friendly Kitchen

Ekokook Faltazi4

Ekokook Faltazi4

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