upport themselves. You don’t need to worry to routinely give your dog fresh water so you needed to change their bowl twice or more a day. This is the Waterdog Automatic Pet Fountain which is a simple sensor device that will give your dog fresh water you can connect it easily and quickly. The sonar sensing technology will trigger the fountain to dispense the water when your dog comes within 3 feet and turns off automatically when your pet leaves. With just 4 C batteries where it will last up to 1 year and $80 for the price isn’t great to ease yourself in caring for your dogs? This way your dog/s can self support without having to drag you to feed them. It will gives less barking and more concentration in doing your work.
Waterdog Automatic Pet Fountain (2)
Waterdog Automatic Pet Fountain (3)
Waterdog Automatic Pet Fountain (4)
Waterdog Automatic Pet Fountain