Pink it’s the color of feminine, and it’s very girly too. This is definitely shown in this chic modern interior design at the apartment located downtown of Copenhagen which belongs to a 34 years old graphic designer Laura Terp Hansen. It’s very well shown that she is very professional where she perfectly uses pink color as dominant interior to get the feminine décor look. In this eighty eight square meter apartment you will always find something pink, from cushions, fabric, decorations and other small interior objects.
The fridge, wall, and lamp are decorated in pink. The pink bedroom, pink bathroom, pink kitchen, everything are decorated in pink. Maybe her interior design can win the pinkest interior design festival (that’s if there’s such kind of festival). One lesson we needed to learn that pink is suitable with white and black, it’s almost impossible to decorate pink with any other than those two colors.
modern pink apartment interior decor
pink apartment interior livingroom
pink apartment furniture decor
pink apartment interior
pink white apartment ideas
pink interior decorating idea
pink bedroom interior
pink interior decoration
pink kitchen stool