Casual or Formal is Always Oriental Jalis Sofa by Cor

Designers Mark Jehs and Jurgen Laub team up to put their best effort which I’m sure the best is more out to come and came up with this smart sofa design. This is Jalis soft sofas by COR. Jalis is taken from the Arabic word that when you use google translate then you will come out with the meaning of relaxed communication, which I’m sure communication will last long for hours in this comfortable modern oriental sofa. Due to the oriental design, you can always put it in your living room without haste as it can be used either as formal or casual socialization. Such fine fabric provides support and style. For more details including pricing on this oriental sofa please do visit COR.

Jalis Sofa by Cor (1)

Jalis Sofa by Cor (1)

Jalis Sofa by Cor (2)

Jalis Sofa by Cor (2)

Jalis Sofa by Cor (3)

Jalis Sofa by Cor (3)

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