y, you might already know about Platycerium wandae. It is a giant planter from New Guinea that has beautiful leaf like a tounge. Why I wrote this? at a glance, this unique armchair named “Brazil No 2” we post below has similar design and shape like this plant. Maybe Daniel Widrig inspired with this plant. Made in limited edition, this awesome armchair made from laminated plywood sheets via a 5-axis CNC router.
As you see below, that this chair made by digitally prototyped through digital dynamics simulation. Available in white furnishing, these chair ideal for outdoor and indoor seating. Fresh and new, peek at Daniel Widrig site here.
Brazil No.2 armchair by Daniel Widrig
Brazil No.2 armchair platycerium wandae
Danie Widrig Armchair
Brazil No.2 Armchair Production
Daniel Widrig Brazil No.2 Armchair
platycerium wandae