Boxetti Lunch Futuristic Kitchen Module by Boxetti

What happen when concept of the future meet with kitchen design? The result is a hybrid kitchen. This Boxetti Lunch isn’t just a box. Wait until you see it being unpacked. It’s a multifunctional kitchen island unit containing all your needs for a kitchen. These space saving furniture unit has an automatic sliding surface and a built in sink with a tap hidden underneath the covering. The sliding surface equipped with a movement sensor which acts as a safety sensor to stop closing automatically when any hand movement detected. The part of the top surface is foldable to uncover the board made out of oak tree. The foldable cover has a built-in LED spotlight. Almost everything is build in including the two extensible bar seats, a fridge and a standard shelves and drawers. Please welcome to the future where everything being made compact. See also our previous post about the other compact furniture product from Boxetti at Boxetti Lounge space saving furniture ideas.

Designer : Rolands Landsbergs

Boxetti Lunch 2

Boxetti Lunch 2

Boxetti Lunch 3

Boxetti Lunch 3

Boxetti LUnch 4

Boxetti LUnch 4

Boxetti Lunch 5

Boxetti Lunch 5

Boxetti Lunch 6

Boxetti Lunch 6

Boxetti Lunch

Boxetti Lunch

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