8 Creative Rugs Decorative Ideas

ative design. All of these rug has round shape that become very popular today. First you will see the “ancient” rug that looks like growth rings of a very old and very large tree, but it is actually a soft modern rug that designed by Floor to Heaven. YLdesign also presenting wood inspiration by wood looking rug in awesome design. It features the cross-section of a log complete with rings, grain and bark. Perfect, rustic and charming.

Pachamama featuring round leather rug that will add luxury in your living room for sure. The same ideas come from New Moon that has been designed rug that combined chinese silk and tibetan wool in luxury round rug. Sparkling and detailed.

Tuscan Leaf rug by Liora Manne is a perfect piece to place under a small round table, to create a colorful and cheerful arrangement. Ready for another one? OK here they are, Circus rug and Wire rug will add a black humor in your floor. Modern round cowhide rugs by Pure are cowhide pixels stitched together to luxurious perfection, coming straight from Argentina and Brazil. Both wire rug and cowhide rug are ideal to enrich your black and white modern interior design.

Woody Wood Round Rug

Woody Wood Round Rug

Woody Wood vloerkleed

Woody Wood vloerkleed

Moderna Cowhide Rug

Moderna Cowhide Rug

Moderna Cowhide Rug Grey Freckles

Moderna Cowhide Rug Grey Freckles

pachamama leather rug

pachamama leather rug

leather rug pachamama

leather rug pachamama

Barbed Wire Rug

Barbed Wire Rug

barbed wire rug idea

barbed wire rug idea

Circus Rug by Nodusrug 2

Circus Rug by Nodusrug 2

Circus Rug by Nodusrug

Circus Rug by Nodusrug

Luxury Round Rugs

Luxury Round Rugs

decorative rugs ideadecorative rugs idea

Tree Rugs Floor to HeavenTree Rugs Floor to Heaven

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