The Sphere series will be hot for any contemporary wallcovering design. From Nathan Allan Glass Studios, it features awesome glass drops in 3D design. The Sphere are modern art incorporated into your décor. Shown here on clear glass paneling, spheres can also be produced on cast glass, adding a decorative touch and increased privacy. Designed for wall partitions, feature walls, backbars, sidelites, doorlites, water features, and overhead suspended panels. Can be safety tempered and/or laminated.
The clear has seven designs, they are Sphere, Spheredrop, Trisphere, Quadrasphere, Diasphere, Pentashpere and Hexasphere. in wide range of colors like Gold and Silver Leaf, Bronze, Clear, Aqua Blue, Blue, Green, Grey or Multi. Clear sheets available in 1’ x 1’ up to 7’ x 12’ with 3 standard diameters (1,5 “, 2”, 3”) and cast sheets available in 1’ x 1’ up to 7’ x 12’ depending upon texture. Custom size are available, up to 24” diameters. For more information and request, please contact Barry Allan, the director in his website Nathan Allan Glass Studios.
Decorative glass wallcovering Sphere
Decorative glass wallcovering Nathan Allan Glass Studio
sphere decorative glass wallcovering detail
sphere decorative glass wallcovering
sphere decorative glass wallcovering model