This 1903 swedish apartment renovated with modern interior design. With a round-the-corner, the cozy and comfortable apartment has been renovated to give a wonderful sense of freedom and space. And if you add the five walls living room and the the stunning scenery that you can see from the balcony, it has everything it needs to become a dream home. This amazing apartment with modern interior design is located in the middle of a cozy neighborhood on the crest of Linnestaden’s own San Francisco street. Constructed to face East, South, and West in order to get the much needed natural light, this apartment allows you to watch both the amazing sunrise and sunset right from your bed.
Swedish Apartment Modern Bathroom2 Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Bathroom Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Bedroom2 Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Bedroom Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Interiors Renovation2
Swedish Apartment Modern Interiors Renovation3
Swedish Apartment Modern Interiors Renovation4
Swedish Apartment Modern Kitchen Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Kitchen Interiors Renovation2
Swedish Apartment Modern Lighting Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Livingroom2 Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Livingroom3 Interiors Renovation
Swedish Apartment Modern Livingroom Interiors Renovation