Evolutie by Tom Dissel for furniture manufacturer Leolux

This cool seating design inspiration is created by Tom Dissel, a student at the Design Academy Eindhoven, has worked together with the Dutch furniture manufacturer Leolux to design a coat that can also be used as a chair cover whtich named as “Evolutiv Coat Chair”

Evolutie Coat/Chair by Tom Dissel:

I created my design because I did a research about the battered places on old furniture. This are the specific places that are used intensively, which are the scars. The other parts are intact and contain no traces of usage and you can leave it out. It is redundant. Animals and humans also have body parts that are no longer of use to a evolution them: coccyx, vermiform appendix, etc etc

This means I create a shape and make it less massive. Now you only show the essence on what it’s all about. Every piece of furniture is like a garment. Just think with me for a moment and watch: the chairs shell fits perfectly. The chair as a coat. on and off, on and off, on?

The coat represents its sitting comfort. The coat covers, but is also flexible. The coat shows that a lot is possible, its frame functions as a peg.
Literally: by placing the coat on the right spot immediately.
Figurative: its sitting comfort is shown by hanging it up. The coat becomes the chair and you’ve created a comfortable place to sit.

Once put on, the coat covers up the old contrast. Between bare and dressed, inside and outside and between light and filled. This chair is more than just a piece of clothing, it has the irregular mark of a human body. It expresses the personality of this piece of furniture. The chair is coated with the skin of imagination. This chair’s fit is simply perfect.

Evolutie Tom Dissel furniture manufacturer leolux

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