L20 Restaurant by Dirk Denison Architects

This natural elegant L20 Restaurants interior design is designed by Dirk Denison architects. Elegant, warm, and clean, Chef Gras worked closely with Chicago-based Dirk Denison Architects to create a simple, inviting space using natural materials and warm hues.

To break up the somewhat spacious room, the designers stayed away from claustrophobic walls and instead used materials like large etched glass panels to separate the main dining room and the lounge, and long metal cables that hang from the ceiling to the floor creating a wall-like element without closing off the restaurant.

The lights on the ceiling are carefully placed above every table creating little spot lights for your food and we noticed that the ceiling catches the lights from the illuminated water and wine glasses on tables creating a sea of dancing reflections on the ceiling throughout the restaurant.

L20 restaurant elegant interior

L20 restaurant natural interior

L20 restaurant interior design

L20 restaurant kitchen space

L20 restaurant entrance

L20 restaurant entrance2

L20 restaurant elegant natural design

L20 restaurant interior ideas

L20 restaurant inspiration

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