Katie Holmes Wallpapers

Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes
Magazine. September 2002. 88-90, 106.
Toby Harnden. "Scientology minder prompts Katie Holmes through first big interview." The Sunday Telegraph. July 10, 2005. 29. [7].
Robert Haskell. "Holmes Sweet Holmes: She's landed the role of a lifetime—beautiful bride of the world's biggest movie star. What's so weird about that?" W. August 2005. 164+
Lynn Hirschberg. "Desperate to Seem 16.� The New York Times Magazine. September 5, 1999. 42+.
Stephen Holden. "Young Goody-Two-Shoes Who Basically Lack Souls." The New York Times. July 24, 1998. E22.
Kirk Honeycutt. Review of First Daughter. The Hollywood Reporter. September 24, 2004. 22. [8]
"Katie: Dating, Not Engaged." The Blade. September 8, 2001. D3.
"Katie Holmes." Current Biography . On-line database accessed February 8, 2006.
"Katie Holmes: The Ingenue." People. September 19, 2005. 96.
"Katie Holmes to Wed Actor Chris Klein." The Blade. December 31, 2003. D3.
Marilyn Johnson and Andrew Southam. "Nice Girls Finish First: So what does it mean that a very nice girl playing a very thoughtful girl has become TV's teen idol? Consider it a good sign." Life Magazine. March 1999.
Caryn James. "A Rich Coat of Gloss on a Trajectory Spiraling Down." The New York Times. September 7, 2006. B9.
John Kieswetter. "P&G execs reviewing family TV.� The Cincinnati Enquirer. August 6, 2000. A1.
Gregory Kirschling. "The Deal Report." Entertainment Weekly. December 17, 2004. 16.
Steven Kotler. "Is Sex Passe?" VLife (supplement to Variety). September 2003. 48+
Michael Krantz. "The bard of Gen-Y." Time Magazine. December 15, 1997. 105.
Tahree Lane. "Paris proposal latest plot twist to Holmes-Cruise romance: Toledo native agrees to take on role of wife." The Blade. June 18, 2005. A1.
Russ Lemmon. "Career Move Possibly Less Than Wise." The Blade. January 24, 2001. D3.
Jill Leovy. "Girl Is Born to Stars Holmes, Cruise." Los Angeles Times. April 19, 2006. B3
Jason Lynch et alia. "Truly, Madly, Deeply." People. June 6, 2005. 56-59.
Andy Mangels. From Scream to Dawson's Creek: An Unauthorized Take on the Phenomenal Career of Kevin Williamson. Los Angeles: Renaissance Books, 2000. ISBN 1-58063-122-3
Todd McCarthy. "The id of Batman." Variety. June 6, 2005. 19, 29.
Todd McCarthy. "Subtlety is abandoned in routine thriller wrap-up." Variety. October 21, 2002. 33, 36.
Jay Mathews. "Dawson's Peek: Teen TV Fans Hit Wilmington, N.C." The Washington Post. July 4, 1999. E1.
Nancy Mills. "A 'First' for Katie: President's daughter is Holmes, grown." New York Daily News. September 23, 2004. 45.
Samantha Miller et alia. "Winter Breakout." People. February 10, 2003. 77-78.
Elvis Mitchell. "Second Helpings of Holiday Cheer." The New York Times. October 17, 2003. E1.
Chris Nashawaty. "Teen Steam." Entertainment Weekly. Issue 405.November 14, 1997. 24.
Mireya Navarro. "I Love You With All My Hype." The New York Times. May 22, 2005. Sec. 9, p. 1.
"A New Direction." People. June 27, 2005. 52-53.
Judith Newman. "The Last Girl Scout.� Allure. v. 13, n. 6. June 2003. 182-189.
Greg Paeth. "P&G cuts its link with steamy teen series." The Cincinnati Post. October 23, 1997. 1C.
Cindy Pearlman. "'America's little sister' hits it big." Chicago Sun-Times. August 15, 1999. 3.
Adam Rapoport. "Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon.� GQ. April 2002. 141+.
Philip Recchia. "Scientology 'Princess" Is A Spooky Shadow on Kooky Katie." New York Post. June 19, 2005. 4.
Ray Richmond. Review of Dawson's Creek. Variety. January 19, 1998. 71.
Ray Richmond. "When love is just part of the marketing plan." The Hollywood Reporter. May 10, 2005. 15.
Ray Richmond. "Youth ache 100 episodes: The WB's signature show, 'Dawson's Creek' brings intellect and frankness to the portrayal of young adults." The Hollywood Reporter. April 17, 2002. S1.
Richard Roeper. "Admit it, you're curious: Is Tom Cruise nuts or what?" Chicago Sun-Times. June 7, 2005. 11.
Reuters. "Cruise baby name puzzles Israelis." Msn.com April 23, 2006. (accessed April 25, 2006).
David Rooney. Review of Pieces of April. Variety. January 27, 2003. 24.
David Rooney. Review of Thank You for Smoking. Variety. September 19, 2005. 63.
Howard Rosenberg. "Ammo for the Family Hour." The Los Angeles Times. July 4, 1997. F1.
"Quaid vows to make movie in New Orleans." The Advocate (Baton Rouge, Louisiana). September 23, 2005. 4A.
Maria Sanminiatelli. "Now they are one: The TomKat is officially united at long last." Orlando Sentinel. November 19, 2006. A2.
Katharine Q. Seelye. "Celebrity Baby, M.I.A., Stokes a Frenzy." The New York Times. July 31, 2006. C1.
Karen S. Schneider et al. "Can This Be Love?" People. May 16, 2005. 66-69.
Nana Schoenberg. "Toledo's biggest star? Sure, Katie Holmes 'is very nice.' But 'she's no Jamie Farr.'" Chicago Tribune. July 12, 2005. Sec. 5, p. 1.
Kyle Smith. "Roman Ha-ha day: Why Everyone Thinks Katie & Tom Are a Joke." New York Post. April 30, 2005. 27.
Ryan E. Smith. "Baby frenzy begins: Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are expecting their first child together." The Blade. October 6, 2005. E11.
Ryan E. Smith. "Holmes family is 'very excited for Katie.'" The Blade. April 29, 2005. D13.
Holly Sorenson. "Katie Holmes.� US. May 1998. 64-5.
"Suri Cruise makes her photo debut." The Blade (Toledo, Ohio). September 7, 2006. D11[9].
Jane Surkin. "Someone Wanted to See Me?" Vanity Fair. October 2006. 276-293.
Michelle Tauber et alia. "Tom & Kate's Wild Ride." People. July 4, 2005. 50-56.
Michelle Tauber. "Baby on the Way." People. October 24, 2005. 62-67.
Karen Thomas. "87 days later, where's Suri's photo?" USA Today. July 14, 2006. 4E.
Anne Thompson. "Cruise vs. Pitt: a tale of two PR strategies." The Hollywood Reporter. June 10, 2005. 2.
"Tom cult 'minder' for Katie.� The Sun (London). June 15, 2005. 3.
Kenneth Turan. "Ode to 'Wonder Boys,' Past, Present, Future." The Los Angeles Times. February 23, 2000. F1.
Debra Wallace. "Katie Holmes Heats Up.� Cosmopolitan. v. 233, n. 4. October 2002. 200-203.
Steve Weizman. "Name of celebs' baby bemuses Israelis." Chicago Tribune. April 24, 2006. 4.
Jeannie Williams. "Leary night job keeps him busy." USA Today. July 12, 2001. 2D.
Mike Wilkinson and James Drew. "Toledo-area coin dealer counted on GOP ties to bolster business." The Blade. May 15, 2005. A1.
Vanessa Winans. "TV Star Home for Holiday Event: Record Crowd Steps Up for Parade." The Blade. November 29, 1998. A1
Vanessa Winans and David Patch. "Biggest Hit of the Day? Katie Holmes (And Her Mom)." The Blade. November 29, 1998. A11.
Kevin Williamson. "Holmes sweet Holmes.� YM. v.46, n.7. September 1998. 114.
Simon Wright. "You're invited to Tom & Katie's wacky wedding: They take Scientology vows but mayor says the wedding isn't legal." Sunday Mirror (London). November 19, 2006. 2.

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